Apology : 對蘇格拉底的指控 ‧先前的指控( 18c ) 研究自然科學( a thinker about things in the heavens, and investigator of all things below the earth ) —> 瀆神、不信神 強辯術( and someone who makes the weaker argument stronger ) 為何指控? 對於指控一的反駁: 蘇的解釋:神諭說他擁有著某種智慧,是「人的智慧」( human wisdom )( 20d ) 什麼是人的智慧:不知之知( 21d-22a) <— 因為蘇覺得自己沒有智慧,神諭卻說他有,唯一解法是,蘇擁有人的智慧,但沒有神的智慧(蘇追求的是神的智慧) 神才是真正有知的,他藉著神諭所要講的是,人的知識是微小而不值的。( But in fact, gentlemen, it’s pretty certainly the god who is really wise, and by his oracle he meant that human wisdom is worth little or nothing. )( 23a ) 「那位處在你們之中的,最聰明的,像蘇格拉底這樣的凡人,在真正的知識面前已經明白自己的渺小。」 ( ”That one among you is wisest, mortals, who, like Socrates, has recognized that he’s truly worthless where wisdom’s concerned.” ) ( 23b ) 為了證明神諭是對的,為了榮耀神,蘇格拉底才會一天到晚問對方問題,想要試著證明對方並不真的擁有知識。( Whenever he seems not to be so to me, I come to the assistance of the god and show him that he’s not wise. )( 23b ) 關於指控二: 大家都以為自己知道某些事情,但事實上並非如此。當蘇格拉底在證實他們並不如自己想像中的聰明時,青年人對此舉動有興趣,因為他們有...